Getting started with Query.apex
Aggregate Functions Part 3
With HAVING clauses, aggregate functions can be even more powerful. See this example:
Suppose we have a parent object Account, and a child object Opportunity, I want to query all the Accounts with at least one Opportunity. If we use child relationship query (subquery), we might still get all the Accounts, with some of them having the Opportunity child as an empty list. And then we need to do the filter manually, removing the Accounts with empty Opportunity list. Apparently, such way costs unnecessary memory.
But we can actually do it in one query, using GROUP BY and HAVING clauses.
List results =
new Query('Opportunity').
count('Name', 'countName').
addHaving(Query.conditionGe('Count(Name)', 1)).
// Loop the aggregate result to get the account ids
List accountIds = new List();
for (AggregateResult result : results) {