
Sweet.apex is the next generation of Apex development, transpiling Sweet Apex(a feature-rich Apex-like code) to Apex classes.

Why Sweet.apex?

Have you ever dreamed of using custom annotations in Apex? Have you ever wondered if you could eliminate some Apex boilerplate codes? Sweet.apex is here to make your dreams come true, by providing some of the most amazing features right at your disposal.

Fascinating Features

Sweet.apex offers some fascinating features you may have wanted for long.


Sweet.apex features can help you eliminate boilerplates and focus on real core codes.

Plugin System

Sweet.apex delivers all its features in a form of plugins, and you can add your own plugins.

It's transforming your mind

It completely changes how you would develop Apex, bringing you to a new world.

Feature Rich

Sweet.apex aims to provide features that solve your pain points, and new features are continuously coming.

Feature Rich


Sweet.apex eliminates boilerplates and makes your code more lightweight.



Sweet.apex is built on plugins and welcomes new features.
